Happy New Year 2009

A new year is unfolding – like a blossom with petals curled tightly concealing the beauty within. I wish everyone a Happy and Peacefull New Year 2009.
Christmas Celebrations
Merry Christmas
Photoshop carnival - December 21, 2008
Welcome to the December 21, 2008 edition of photoshop carnival.
Priyanshu Uniya presents Underwater2.jpg (image) posted at Cg Freak.
AlexandMarisol presents Photomash 3?Color! posted at Sketching House, saying, "Learn how to create one face by combining multiple faces. Part 3 of a series."
JRickG presents Personal Deconstruction, by JE Gonzalez posted at JE Gonzalez.
Andrew Edgington presents Steps In Restoring and Repairing Your Photos posted at Learn Photoshop Now, saying, "Simple Photoshop Video Tutorials that will help you conquer Photoshop in no time at all. Take a look at their blog for a free sample video."
photoshop tips
Andrew Edgington presents 10 Free Articles about Photoshop posted at AdobeArticles, saying, "Grab these 10 free articles about Photoshop Editing Tools."
Andrew Edgington presents Some Notes on Adobe CS4 posted at Learn Photoshop Now, saying, "Simple Photoshop Video Tutorials that will help you conquer Photoshop in no time at all. Take a look at their blog for a free sample video."
Paco Elvira presents PERSPECTIVE CONTROL IN ARCHITECTURE PHOTOGRAPHY posted at Paco Elvira, saying, "The photography of architecture requires the control of the lines; we have to maintain the verticality and horizontality of the buildings we photograph. The way to achieve this is to get the camera perfectly levelled, but this is often impossible, but now we can do it with Photoshop."
Andrew Edgington presents Elements to Restore Old Photos Part 1 posted at Learn Adobe Elements, saying, "Simple Photoshop Video Tutorials that will help you conquer Photoshop in no time at all. Take a look at their blog for a free sample video."
Andrew Edgington presents Free Video - Removing Unwanted Objects from a Photo posted at Learn Photoshop Now, saying, "Simple Photoshop Video Tutorials that will help you conquer Photoshop in no time at all. You can view free sample videos that will help to get you started."
That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of
photoshop carnival
using our
carnival submission form.
Past posts and future hosts can be found on our
blog carnival index page.
Technorati tags:
photoshop carnival, blog carnival.
Photoshop carnival - December 4, 2008
Welcome to the December 4, 2008 edition of photoshop carnival.
Sarah Scafford presents "100 Awesome niche photo sites you?ve never heard of" posted at "Art Career".
Heather Johnson presents "100 must-see Art blogs(of Every form)" posted at "Art Career".
Digant presents "SADHU" posted at "Digant Sutar - My world of paintings".
Rohit2d presents "Simple Photoshop Art Work" posted at "Darpan".
Andre presents "Menu bar" posted at "Photoshop's way!" saying, "Just a simple and very nice to follow tutorial about making menu bars for websites".
That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of
photoshop carnival
using our
carnival submission form.
Past posts and future hosts can be found on our
blog carnival index page.
Technorati tags:
photoshop carnival, blog carnival.
Black 41
photoshop carnival - November 23, 2008
Welcome to the November 23, 2008 edition of photoshop carnival.
Erika Collin presents 100+ Awesome open courseware links for Artists posted at Art Career. This post covers every subject under the Art. There are useful links for: Introductory courses, Images & Online exhibts, Art History, Studio Arts, Lectures & seminars, Theory & Advanced study, Technology traning, Photography & Film, Graphic Design & Media.
rohit2d presents Sketch 1 posted at darpan, saying "this art work is done in photoshop." The sketch is of a beautiful baby talking on his mobile phone.
Digant presents Contrast posted at digant sutar - My world of paintings. This is a painting of a female model. Here the artist enjoyed portraying the contrast of his work.
Priyanshu Uniya presents Landscape posted at Cg Freak. This is very interesting image. Here the artist has tried to experiment with different colours.
That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of
photoshop carnival
using our
carnival submission form.
Past posts and future hosts can be found on our
blog carnival index page.
Technorati tags:
photoshop carnival, blog carnival.
photoshop carnival - November 16, 2008
Welcome to the November 16, 2008 edition of photoshop carnival.
santoshi presents href="http://black2dart.blogspot.com/2008/11/black-28.html"
>Black 28> posted at href="http://black2dart.blogspot.com/"
>Black is beautiful>.
rohit presents href="http://rohit-darpan.blogspot.com/2008/11/nature-sketch.html"
>Nature sketch> posted at href="http://rohit-darpan.blogspot.com/"
That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of
photoshop carnival
using our
title="Submit an entry to “photoshop carnival”"
>carnival submission form.
Past posts and future hosts can be found on our
title="Blog Carnival index for “photoshop carnival”"
blog carnival index page.
Technorati tags:
photoshop carnival, blog carnival.
Cornetto - Sing ur Dil Contest