Starting August 1st, 2009, the TOONSEUM at The Children's Museum of Pittsburgh will have a special art show titled TOM RICHMOND:The MAD ART OF CARICATURE. Basically, since 2000, Tom has been one of the main artists for Mad magazine. This show will feature tons of his original artwork & the reason I'm posting it here is because there will be some Batman drawings shown too. Plus, I'm a huge fan of comic art & it's my blog, ha ha! But seriously, if you live in the area ( Pennsylvania ) then you should check it out because I bet it's gonna be a real treat to see. The show runs until October 4th. For more information, please be sure to visit their website by clicking HERE!
OK, I swear that I don't mean for the Bat-Blog to be all "Adam West - Batman Day" today, it just worked out that like that, ha ha! But I had to post these 2 new photos I found because I'm really proud of them. A friend of mine, named Chuck, who's an extremely talented artist & sculptor, makes these totally amazing 1966 Batman Cowl Replicas that I consider to be Masterpieces of ART. I'm really trying to be sincere here when I say that & I'm not trying to be sarcastic or anything, I mean, just look at the photos! Chuck made this by hand & it's almost better, no, it is better, than the original ones they made for the 60's TV Series. The attention to details, in every way, is totally insane! It's just completely beautiful! I seriously wish I could afford one of them. In fact, I would buy 2. One to put in a glass display case with security guards watching it 24 hours a day & the other to wear every single moment of my life!
Well, it looks like Adam West revamped his personal website & one feature of it is a STORE area where you can buy autographed items. He has his biography paperback book titled "Back To The Batcave" on sale, signed of course. Then there's a brand-new DVD movie called "Adam West Naked". Here's what the site says about it, "A brand new 2-Disc DVD produced by and starring Adam West. It contains over 3 hours of footage in which Adam goes episode by episode, recounting his personal memories and telling never-before-heard stories about his experience creating the iconic 1960’s Batman TV series. Amusing and intimate, this DVD immerses fans in the world of the classic Batman series in unparalleled depth. The classic Batman speaks alone to you, the viewer, in a variety of amusing settings, whispering in the attic, or astride an imaginary horse at his home. This DVD is a must for any true Batman fan. It will be signed and personalized on the DVD jacket any way you wish." Now, the DVD movie sells for $50.00 which isn't too bad considering that it's both autographed & has about 3 hours of wacky entertainment. Oh yeah, you can visit his site by clicking HERE!
Recently, DC Comics President and Publisher Paul Levitz accepted an award on behalf of DC from the Guinness World Records, recognizing DETECTIVE COMICS as the longest-running comic book periodical in the United States. Pretty cool, huh? The event took place yesterday afternoon at the DC booth, with Paul accepting the award from Guinness’ own Craig Glenday, VP, Publishing and Editor in Chief. Shown up above is the very 1st issue of this classic comic book title & then next to it is issue #27, the very first appearance of Batman! Congratulations to DC Comics for their award!!
I worry that the person who thought up Muzak may be thinking up something else. ~ Lily Tomlin
The artist is the opposite of the politically minded individual, the opposite of the reformer, the opposite of the idealist. The artist does not tinker with the universe, he recreates it out of his own experience and understanding of life. ~ Henry Miller
It has bothered me all my life that I do not paint like everybody else. ~ Henri Matisse
I decided that if I could paint that flower in a huge scale, you could not ignore its beauty. ~ Georgia O'Keeffe
If anyone has conducted a Beethoven performance, and then doesn't have to go to an osteopath, then there's something wrong. ~ Simon Rattle
Art consists of limitation. The most beautiful part of every picture is the frame. ~ G.K. Chesterton
A film is never really good unless the camera is an eye in the head of a poet. ~ Orson Welles
It is not the language of painters but the language of nature which one should listen to... The feeling for the things themselves, for reality, is more important than the feeling for pictures. ~ Vincent van Gogh
Photoshop art of a Indian model posing in a printed black designer saree.
I am never going to have anything more to do with politics or politicians. When this war is over I shall confine myself entirely to writing and painting. ~ Winston Churchill
Music is a friend of labor for it lightens the task by refreshing the nerves and spirit of the worker. ~ William Green
When my daughter was about seven years old, she asked me one day what I did at work. I told her I worked at the college - that my job was to teach people how to draw. She stared at me, incredulous, and said, "You mean they forget?" ~ Howard Ikemoto
Now I absolutely despise the murderer Werner Herzog. I tell him to his face that I want to see him perish like the llama he executed. He should be thrown to the crocodiles alive! An anaconda should throttle him slowly! The sting of a deadly spider should paralyze him! His brain should burst from the bite of the most poisonous of all snakes! Panthers shouldn't slit his throat open with their claws, that would be too good for him! No. Big red ants should piss in his eyes, eat his balls, penetrate his asshole, and eat his guts! He should get the plague! Syphilis! Malaria! Yellow fever! Leprosy! In vain. The more I wish the most horrible of deaths on him and treat him like the scum of the earth that he is, the less I can get rid of him! ~ Klaus Kinski - On The Importance Of Maintaining A Good Actor/Director Relationship