I opened my email box recently & nearly cried! What made me almost cry? These extremely beautiful Batman animation drawings by Alex Toth, that's what! Our friend Scott sent these pictures of some real-life ANIMATION MODEL SHEETS that were created for Hanna Barbera Productions, Inc © 1973. They were made for THE SUPER FRIENDS TV Cartoon. "Model Sheets" are basically a blueprint for all the different Animation Artists to use as a guide. They help keep the artwork consistent & perfect ( In size, scale and color ). These show the Basic Batman Figure ( in costume ), The Batmobile Car, & The Batplane... or is it Bat-Plane? ha! Now, readers, you might check the Bat-Blog Archives ( located on the left-side of this page, near the middle ) because I have posted more of them in the past & they're always fun to see. Plus, I wanna thank Scott for sending these, they're beautiful! These really bring back a ton of wonderful memories of my childhood. I totally loved this TV show. OK, I'm crying again, all over my keyboard. I need a minute.