As a Batman Toy Collector I always like to see super-rare items that are out there. It sort of gives me a goal to look for these things. Especially if I never knew they existed before. Here's a few examples: This 1st photo shows a Batman "Character Sponge" still in it's original package. Now, this item is so extremely RARE that I will probably NEVER find it, in any condition! I totally love the vintage graphics. The next 2 photos are of a 1966 Batman T-Shirt. This is one you don't see a lot of. In fact, I kind of wonder if it's an actual licensed product or not. But either way it's pretty cool. The last item sort of cracks me up! It's a Batman Bath Mitt. It's sort of a hand puppet shaped terry-cloth towel sort of thing. I bet they also made one of Robin but I have never seen it. Items like this usually got used-up pretty good & that's one reason you never see them today.