Our friend David sent us some really incredible pictures of a few of his personal family photos that happen to feature Vintage Batman Toys. They have been a total treat to see. I've been posting one every now & then, to sort of spread them out. Plus, I've been trying to add a little bit of research to them. Here's an example. This photo shows David holding his favorite Batman Cup he got at a 7-Eleven store. He said he didn't know the exact date but thought it might be from around 1973 to 1975. Well, the funny thing is our research figured out that these COMIC CUPS were released by 7-Eleven in 1974, ha! Shown just below the 1st photo is a graphic from an original 7-Eleven COMIC CUPS CHECKLIST ©1974. It shows all the cups that were produced with comic book superhero characters from DC Comics. Over all, there were 60 cups to collect ( Approx. 12 of them were "Batman-related" & be sure to click on that pic for a larger version ). I also have a photo, below that, showing a few of the cups. The one that is in David's picture is actually pretty hard to see so maybe one of these references will jog his memory, we'll see. Either way I appreciate David sending us this. Do you have any special photos of your favorite Batman items or photo memories to share? If so, then please send them in.