About 20 years ago ( ©1990 ) DC Comics came out with a new graphic novel titled BATMAN 3D. It's main writer / artist was John Byrne but many other comic artists made an appearance too. People like: Arthur Adams, Jim Aparo, Mike Mignola, Bret Blevins, Al Williamson, Dave Gibbons, Klaus Janson, Gerry Ordway, George Perez, Alex Toth, Barry Winsor-Smith, & Mike Zeck. It featured a lot of stories & full-page pin-ups that were all done with 3D technology. I remember when it came out & it was pretty cool! Well, here's a vintage full-page comic book advertisement sent in by our friend Christopher ( Thanks Chris ). Readers, please be sure to click on it for a very large picture. The 2 main things I remember about this book was that all the stories were very very good. They even reprinted a 1953 Batman & Robin story titled "The Robot Robbers" that was really neat. The 2nd thing was that the "3D effect" really worked very well & some pages just totally popped-out of the book. At the time it was a whole new experience. If you ever get the chance to pick this up at a comic book store or convention then please do so. But, remember to check to make sure it still has the 3D glasses with it.